During the Quarterly Schools and Libraries Committee meeting held at USAC headquarters on April 28, Mel Blackwell announced that the first wave for Funding Year 2008 was authorized for release on April 24. Blackwell, the Vice-president of the Schools and Libraries Division, indicated that the wave will include $353 million in commitments. This represents the second largest 'first wave' for a funding year and the 8th largest wave in E-rate history. Over 10,400 applications will be included in the wave.
Also at the meeting, Mr. Blackwell reported that over 98% of all Form 471 applications filed for Funding Year 2008 were filed online, and that almost 80% of applications were certified online. He attributed the SLD's ability to review, process, and make decisions on the online applications as a major factor in making the first wave for Funding Year 2008 at this time, which is approximately one month sooner than the release of the first wave for FY 2007.
Funds For Learning will provide detailed analysis of this Funding Wave as soon as it becomes available from the SLD.