The SLD also issued a small FY 2006 funding wave committing $153,368 while rejecting close to $745,000 because a service provider was too involved in the competitive bidding process of their customers.While service providers can provide neutral technology advice to potential customers it is important that once the competitive bidding process starts they keep an arms length.
Funds For Learning created a service called E-rate University in order to help E-rate stakeholders understand the process and have confidence in funding success while staying in compliance with the ever-changing E-rate regulations.
In addition to the Funding Year 2007 and 2006 waves, the SLD released a wave of appeal decisions for Funding Years 2004, 2003, and 2002. To view FY 2002 A39 Appeal Wave
To view FY 2003 A43 Appeal Wave
To view FY 2004 A36 Appeal Wave
The full funding waves may be viewed at E-rate Manager Wave Reports.