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USAC Issues Quarterly Report to FCC

USAC filed its quarterly report to the FCC this week and still project $365 million from previous years that can be carried over into future funding years. This estimate is based on having the contingency funds available for pending appeals and remaining invoices that still may need to be paid.

USAC continues to estimate that it has:

  • $15 million available from FY 1999
  • $200 million available from FY 2002
  • $150 million available from FY 2003

As of March 31, 2006:

  • The SLD has 2 potentially fundable applications from the 2001 Funding Year
  • The SLD has 15 potentially fundable applications from the 2002 Funding Year
  • The SLD has 39 potentially fundable applications from the 2003 Funding Year
  • The SLD has 149 potentially fundable applications from the 2004 Funding Year
  • The SLD has 1,523 potentially fundable applications from the 2005 Funding Year


According to a Funds For Learning analysis of the SLD data:


  • 2001 Pending Amount: $21,912,947
  • 2002 Pending Amount: $5,378,012
  • 2003 Pending Amount: $53,454,711
  • 2004 Pending Amount: $224,431,140
  • 2005 Pending Amount: $872,687,809


Click here to view the May 3rd USAC quarterly report.

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