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We Couldn’t Have Said it Better Ourselves

Have you read our open letter and petition to increase the size of the E-rate fund? The response so far has been amazing! Over 1,000 parents, community members, and school employees have joined us in recognizing the importance of advanced communications technologies for improved education. And while we could extol the virtues of the E-rate from dusk to dawn (it’s what we do, after all), many of you have written in to share your opinions as well. Here are a few selected quotes provided to us by petition signers:

The e-rate program has allowed my students to connect to the internet at school (when many do not have connections at home). Please allocate more funds so that our children will be prepared to compete in a global society. California

I have seen what E-rate can do in the classroom and the positive impact technology has for students and teachers. South Carolina

If education is a priority, then this should be considered top priority as major support for education in our country. Oregon

I am a parent who has an understanding of what E-Rate is for and why it is necessary! Please keep these funds going for my child’s education! Oklahoma

Please support additional funding for technology to help our students be prepared for their futures. Education is the foundation of a strong democracy! Wisconsin

To be competitive in this vast world, we must continue to give the students in our country opportunities enjoyed by others. Ohio

Louisiana applicants urge the FCC to please increase E-Rate funding. Our state depends on E-Rate funding, but as the demand for services increase, we fear the current funding will not keep pace with the demand. Louisiana

Without [E-rate], we would not be able to provide technology to the students. Pennsylvania

Our district is 90% free and reduced. Most of our students do not have access to the internet at home which is a significant disadvantage in today’s world. The erate program is critical for us to offer technologies, which help our students be prepared for college and the world beyond. Texas

Thousands of at-risk students in our schools alone depend on e-rate for internet, internal connections, and even phone service. Please don’t let them down. Tennessee

So if you have signed the petition, thank you for your continued support of the E-rate program! Please continue to help us get the word out by sharing the need with your family, friends, and colleagues. By working together, we hope to make a direct impact on students’ lives and education.

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We’re here to help!

Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting and support services for the needs of E-rate program participants. We consult with applicants to help them understand, effectively utilize, and maintain compliance with E-rate rules and regulations. We help prepare and submit paperwork, and interact with program administrators on our clients’ behalf.

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