In the near future the Funds For Learning website will be getting a new look and feel. All of us here at FFL have been working hard on this update, and in the spirit of our GuideMarks, we want to take a moment and Share the Reason why we are so excited about this change.
First, we wanted to create a better organized, more visually appealing This should make our news, updates and program guidance easier to find. Our second goal is to integrate E-rate Manager® with our new Funds For Learning website interface. You will be able to use and quickly move from one part of the website to the other.
Highlights of the upcoming change include:
- New styling and hierarchy for the menu system
- New layout of the home page
- Ability to easily browse news, analysis and commentary articles
- Additional toolbar functionality for E-rate Manager
Stay tuned to the current website and our weekly newsletter for further information and updates!