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Inconsistencies in Open Data FRN Status

Starting around March 1st, 2024, E-rate Manager began detecting data inconsistencies and duplicate funding request records in USAC’s Open Data tool.

Delayed Funding Request Data

Until around 8:30am EST on March 8, 2024, the FRN Status dataset had been showing a March 6th  update time when other Open Data resources like the Form 471 and FRN line item datasets were reporting an update time of March 8th. Until it was updated, the FRN Status dataset did not include 1,572 Forms 471 and 2,332 funding requests that were contained

Duplicate Records

On March 1st, 2024, E-rate Manager detected duplicate funding request records in the FRN Status data and there were multiple Original and Current version records for some individual funding requests (see sample data below).

USAC quickly resolved the duplicate records issue on March 1, though the behavior did reoccur during the next three days.  As of March 5, the issue appeared to be resolved and duplicate records have not been detected in USAC’s FRN Status data set since.

Our E-rate Manager tool speeds up and simplifies reviewing E-rate funding request information, ensuring that applicants, service providers, and other E-rate stakeholders have easy access to their funding data. Applicant and service providers can sign up for free at



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