As many applicants are aware, the FCC is conducting a survey of E-rate applicants. Among other things, the survey asks applicants questions about the speed of Internet connectivity, how the Internet is used, and how E-rate Internal Connections purchases are used.
I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage all applicants who received an invitation to participate in the survey to do so. But it is important to recognize that the information each applicant provides continues to ‘paint the picture’ of how E-rate benefits our nation’s schools and libraries.
And, since the FCC is conducting their own survey this year, Funds For Learning has decided to not offer our annual survey of E-rate applicants at this time. We all know that everyone’s time is limited, so Funds For Learning wants to direct applicants’ efforts to completing the FCC survey.
But don’t worry! We’ll bring the FFL’s annual survey of applicants back at a later time.