The FCC issued the National Broadband Plan Order on September 23, 2010 and it has several implications on the current E-rate program. Funds For Learning has constructed the below list of Broadband Order highlights that will have an impact on all E-rate requests for funding year 2011. Funds For Learning is your leading source for Broadband Order news so continue to check our FCC E-rate Broadband Order page for the latest updates. If you have any questions about the Orders and its implications on the E-rate program please call 405-341-4140 or email us at FCC Order Highlights: Providing greater flexibility The FCC recommends opening E-rate funded services to after hour community use as long as it does not interfere with educational purposes. The FCC recommends the expansion of current rules to include connectivity to portable devices. Applicants can lease fiber from any provider, including the state and regional carriers, as long as it is the most cost effective solution. The funding cap will be indexed to inflation in order to stifle depreciation and increase the number of applicants receiving priority 2 funds for internal connections projects. Streamlining application process The technology plan requirements for P1 services are no longer required. Guard against fraud, waste and Abuse Applicants are now subject to federal law in regards to gifts from vendors. FCC has further codified the competitive bidding requirements. Adoption of ESL The eligible services list for FY2011 was approved. Dark fiber has been reinstated to the eligible services list under miscellaneous services. Web hosting is still eligible for FY2011. The FCC press release can be viewed here.
FCC Announces National Broadband Orders
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