USAC’s Schools and Libraries Division hosts monthly service provider conference calls, providing information and guidance for vendors participating in the E-rate program. Highlights from January’s service provider call include:
- USAC has released several funding waves from FY2004-2011 in the month of December. Further funding wave analysis can be viewed on Funds For Learning’s website here.

- Update on Form 498 Filer ID Validation: USAC website upgrades were conducted the weekend of January 7-8. This update may have caused a change to the email address the SLD has on file for service providers for electronic notifications.
- If you did not file an update to your Form 498, your e-notification email will not change.
- If you filed an update to your Form 498 and there is an entry in Block 12 Item 116 (email for Company Contact for Schools and Libraries), the system will replace your e-notification email with the email in Item 116.
- If you filed an update to your Form 498 and there is no entry in Block 12 Item 116, the system will replace your e-notification email with the email in Block 2 Item 17 (email for Company General Contact).
- Service providers can call the USAC Form 498 helpline for further clarification: 1-888-641-8722; Extension 3; Extension 1.
- Form 471 Filing Window: The FY2012 filing window closes on 11:59 ET on March 20th.
- Invoicing Update: In the last month, the SLD reimbursed 1,400 service providers totaling $134 million. This was against $170.6 million worth of total requests, and the SLD reported that 98 percent of the invoices were processed within 30 days.
- A Funding Year 2010 invoicing deadline looming: January 30, 2012 is the deadline for FY2010 Internal Connections payment paperwork. Applicants and service providers should be mindful of this date and take the appropriate steps to complete the reimbursement requests, or request an extension.
- The next service provider call is scheduled for February 8, 2012.
Note: The below information is not the official minutes from the call, but simply notes from Funds For Learning. The official minutes for this call, as well as call minutes from previous months, can be found here.