Analysis of committed funds in the first quarter of calendar year 2012 shows that total Q1 commitments are up significantly, with USAC approving approximately $278M more than in Q1 2011.

Priority 2 Requests
In the first quarter of calendar year 2012, total P2 commitments were up by approximately $6M, but the commitments were split between requests from Funding Years 2010 and 2011. Conversely, commitments for P2 services in Q1 2011 were comprised primarily of requests from FY2010:

The split in total Priority 2 commitments in Q1 2012 is most likely a result of the FCC’s decision to fund FY2010 P2 requests at all discount levels, as USAC continues to release regular funding waves for FY2010. This would explain why total P2 commitments for FY2011 requests (from July 1, 2011 to March 22, 2012) are behind the pace of P2 commitments for FY2010 requests during the same time period (July 1, 2010 to March 22, 2011):

Average Funding Pace
The four-quarter rolling average shows that while the pace of total funding commitments is a bit lower than at this time last year, it remains much higher than in late 2009: