USAC’s Schools and Libraries Division hosts monthly service provider conference calls, providing information and guidance for vendors participating in the E-rate program. Highlights from June’s service provider call include:
May 2012 Commitments:
Since the May SLD call, USAC has approved the following funding commitments for Funding Years 2010 and 2011:

The SLD is targeting the week of June 18th to start the process of releasing the first FY 2012 funding wave.
Recap of USAC Service Provider Trainings:
The SLD held two service provider training sessions in May, and a total of 379 service providers attended. The training presentations can be downloaded here.
Invoicing Update:
Payments for the month of May totaled $185 million, against $229.4 million in requests. Invoices were submitted by 1,035 service providers, and 98 percent were processed within 30 days.
The top five reasons for invoice denials:
Total commitment paid
Discount amount not valid
Service provider did not have a Form 473 on file
The invoice was billed outside the funding year
Duplicate invoices
Other Discussion Topics
The SLD referred vendors to the spring training presentation slides for additional information regarding the “Lowest Corresponding Price” rule.
On average, SPIN change requests take approximately 60 days to process. However, the SLD is now asking additional questions to the applicant due to the new SPIN change rules.
The SLD is unsure when the FY 2013 Draft Eligible Services List will be released by the FCC. The FY 2012 Draft Eligible Services List was published on June 24, 2011.
Note: The above information is not the official minutes from the call, but simply notes from Funds For Learning.