On April 14, 2014 the FCC announced they will be holding an E-rate Modernization Workshop on Tuesday May 6, 2014, to “discuss the challenge of delivering high-speed connectivity to and within schools and libraries and highlight successful strategies…”. The free workshop will be held at the FCC and is open to the public, and also provided as a live streamed event online at http://www.fcc.gov/live. The commission has promised to provide further details in the future regarding the agenda, panelists and logistics of the workshop.
FCC Announces E-rate 2.0 Workshop

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Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting and support services for the needs of E-rate program participants. We consult with applicants to help them understand, effectively utilize, and maintain compliance with E-rate rules and regulations. We help prepare and submit paperwork, and interact with program administrators on our clients’ behalf.