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FCC Releases May Appeal Decisions

On May 31, 2016, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released several decisions related to the requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of E-rate beneficiaries. At the end of each month, the FCC has been releasing appeal decisions based on similar or related issues.  Stakeholders with adverse decisions can file a Petition For Reconsideration within 30 days of this Notice.


Successful appeals included the following issues:

·         Compliance with State and Local Procurement Laws;

·         Eligible Telecommunication Providers;

·         Granted Additional Time to Respond to USACS’s Request for Information;

·         Late-Filed FCC Form 471 Due to Actions Beyond Applicant’s Controls;

·         Ministerial and/or Clerical Errors – FCC Form 471’s


Appeals involving the below issues were denied: 

·         Invoice Deadline Extension Requests;

·         Late-Filed Operation Service Provider Identification Number Requests;

·         Seeking E-rate Support for Services Not Covered by the Applicant’s Competitive Bidding Process;

·         Unjustified Service Implementation Delay;

·         Untimely Filed Request for Reviews

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