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E-rate Meets Two FCC Goals, Say Applicants

The E-rate program ensures access to affordable and cost-effective broadband connections in schools and libraries according to a majority of applicants responding to our recent nationwide survey.

The FCC set three goals to measure the success of its E-rate Modernization efforts:

In our survey, we asked applicants if they agreed or disagreed that the E-rate program was achieving each of these goals. As illustrated below, there appears to be strong agreement that the first two goals are being achieved. 

There is significantly less agreement regarding the third goal, with only 35% of survey respondents indicating that the E-rate had been simplified and made more efficient. This response is most likely due to the new USAC EPC online portal. A majority of survey respondents indicated that EPC had made the E-rate application process more difficult. These challenges have been compounded in recent weeks by ongoing system outages.


All of the survey responses are available here. The survey had more than 1,000 responses with an estimated margin of error of +/- 3%.

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We’re here to help!

Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting and support services for the needs of E-rate program participants. We consult with applicants to help them understand, effectively utilize, and maintain compliance with E-rate rules and regulations. We help prepare and submit paperwork, and interact with program administrators on our clients’ behalf.

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