While the big news of the week may have been the opening of the program’s 23rd* application filing window, E-rate applicants are always working in more than one Funding Year at a time. Case in point: on January 17, 2020, there were $100,353,756.35 in committed but undisbursed funds with an invoice deadline of January 28, 2020.
January 28 is the standard invoice deadline for non-recurring services from Funding Year 2018, but can also be the deadline for other services which have received an invoice deadline extension.
Of the $100M of undisbursed funds, over half ($58.3M) are associated with funding requests which have received no disbursements so far.
Applicants and service providers may request a single, 120 day extension of the invoice deadline as long as the request is submitted prior to the current deadline. The process for submitting invoice deadline extension requests may be found at https://www.usac.org/e-rate/applicant-process/invoicing/invoice-deadline-extensions/.