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Tribal Library Support Continues

Reply comments to the Federal Communications Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking show continued support for simplifying E-rate rules in an effort to increase participation among Tribal libraries. Reply commenters supported many of the changes proposed in the original NPRM, as well as suggestions made by stakeholders during the initial comment period. Several reply comments supported the American Library Association’s suggestion that the competitive bidding exemption threshold be increased from $3,600 per year to $10,000, and there was also support for increasing the maximum discount rate for Category Two services from 85% to 90%. Several commenters also suggested that many non-Tribal libraries would benefit from the same regulatory and process changes.

The reply comments to the Tribal library NPRM may be viewed here:

ADS Advanced Data Services, Inc.

Alaska Department of Education and Early Development

American Library Association

Washington State Library

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

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