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EdTech Vendors Commit to Provide Cybersecurity Resources

On August 7, 2023, the White House issued a briefing noting that several education technology providers committed to providing free and low-cost resources to school districts. This is in addition to government agencies acting and committing resources to strengthen the cybersecurity landscape of the nation’s K-12 school system. The EdTech providers include:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) commits: $20 million for a K-12 cyber grant program available to all school districts and state departments of education;
  • Cloudflare, through its Project Cybersafe Schools, will offer a suite of free Zero Trust cybersecurity solutions
  • PowerSchool commits to: will provide new free and subsidized “security as a service” courses, training, tools and resources to all U.S. schools and districts.
  • Google commits to: release an updated “K-12 Cybersecurity Guidebook” for schools on the most effective and impactful steps education systems can take to ensure the security of their Google hardware and software applications
  • D2L commits to: providing access to new cybersecurity courses in collaboration with trusted third-parties.

The White House briefing can be viewed here.

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