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Invoicing to Move to EPC in November

On September 14, 2023, USAC distributed a Special Edition News Brief announcing that E-rate invoicing forms – including the FCC Form 472 (BEAR), FCC Form 474 (SPI) and FCC Form 473 (SPAC) will be transitioned from their legacy systems to the E-rate Productivity Center (EPC) as of November 7, 2023. As a part of the transition, EPC will be unavailable starting at 11:59pm Eastern time on October 30 and continuing until November 7.

To aid in the transition, USAC is offering a variety of resources including e-Learning Modules, webinars, and “office hour” virtual sessions. Prior to those resources being available, USAC encourages applicants who believe they may miss the October 30 invoice deadline to submit an invoice deadline extension request, and also requests that EPC admin users update invoicing permissions prior to October 30.

More information may be found in USAC’s News Brief here.

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