As of 6/10/2024, there were 6,952 individual applicants with over $809.9M of ECF funding that was not used on 12,398 requests that had exceeded their Last Date to Invoice. Given the recent funding reduction on the ECF program, these unspent dollars could be reclaimed by the program, and possibly allow USAC to fund more pending applications or permit changes to already funded requests.
The charts below show the unspent balance on ECF FRNs that have gone past a Last Date to Invoice as well as Remaining Balances on ECF FRNs that are still active:

Of the $809.9M of un-used committed amounts, more than half ($488.5M) are for applicants in only 10 states:

Since USAC will not be able to take any funding request action that leads to new commitments to the ECF fund, it is essential that applicants give back these un-used funds to the program to enable others to be able to make necessary changes to requests and also receive support from this program. Funding can be returned with a post commitment change request.