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Celebrating Progress, While Looking Toward the Future

One thing I’ve learned throughout my life is the significance of reflecting on progress while striving toward future goals. It’s easy to get wrapped up in dreaming about the future, and all the things you will do. When in reality, it’s just as valuable, if not more valuable, to reflect on what you have done.

A trustworthy way to set goals is to start by looking back. Where did I start? What’s changed? What have I learned? What do I wish I had done differently? What do I still need to accomplish? How can I adjust my strategy and approach from what I’ve already tried?

Setting goals without this type of introspection risks missing important insights and direction. Let these types of questions drive and shape your future goals.

I apply this same approach in a broader sense to the E-rate funding program in the United States. In its more than two decades of existence, what has progress looked like? The electronic filing of forms, enhancements to the eligible services list, Category Two Funding, the Emergency Connectivity Fund, and, recently, the Schools and Library Cybersecurity Pilot Program, are a few of the updates and initiatives that point to the growth of the E-rate program.

When the E-rate was first established in 1997, only 14% of classrooms had internet access. Today more than 74% of school districts have internet connectivity at speeds sufficient to support classroom learning every day. The need for digital connectivity is higher than ever. Which means the need for accessible funding is higher than ever.

Looking back at the progress of the E-rate program, I am encouraged for its future. The E-rate community has lofty goals to connect their communities with internet access, and there are high expectations placed on the E-rate program to deliver. Based on how far the program has come, I am confident that there are many bright days ahead for both the E-rate program and the students it serves.

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We’re here to help!

Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting and support services for the needs of E-rate program participants. We consult with applicants to help them understand, effectively utilize, and maintain compliance with E-rate rules and regulations. We help prepare and submit paperwork, and interact with program administrators on our clients’ behalf.

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