In my lifetime, I’ve experienced the impact of technology from the revolutionary access to email on my BlackBerry to the incorporation of AI tools in everyday life. Outside of the convenience of many of the devices and platforms I use daily, there is a deep and meaningful takeaway from continuous developments in technology – the power of connection.
No, I don’t mean the strength of Wi-Fi or 5G cellular phones, but the power of connecting to other humans.
Technology can facilitate or enable a human connection when otherwise it would be impossible. Take your pick, from Facetime to WhatsApp, and you can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. The platforms, tools, and devices we have access to emulate face-to-face interaction, making you feel closer to friends or family who are hundreds of miles away. At the touch of a screen, I can talk with a friend across the globe.
Relationships forged in one place don’t have to fizzle out if you no longer see each other every day. They also aren’t bound by “snail mail” or landline telephones. You can feel connected daily through the access we have and often take for granted.
It’s this beauty and power of human connection through the use of technology, that inspires me and excites me for our future.
Let technology deepen and enrich your relationships across miles and time zones. Who should you reach out to today? Call them or send a video message. Reply in the comments how this impacted you.
P.S. The photo above is of me and my friend Quini in South Africa at EO’s annual leadership conference. We live in different countries, but we’re able to stay connected through technology. So, when we’re together, it’s like no time has passed.

P.S. The photo above is of me and my friend Quini in South Africa at EO’s annual leadership conference. We live in different countries, but we’re able to stay connected through technology. So, when we’re together, it’s like no time has passed.