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Using E-rate Manager to locate Last Date to Invoice Funding Requests

October 28, 2024, marks the last day that USAC can be invoiced for many FY 2023 funding requests. In fact, as of September 19, 2024, from more than 11.6K funding requests, there is a combined balance of $235M from FY23 to be invoiced by October 28.

Have you invoiced USAC for all your funding requests? E-rate Manager, your complete E-rate data solution, provides a way for applicants to easily see which requests need to be invoiced. If you don’t have a free account, sign up today to streamline your E-rate process! Learn more and sign up here.

Step by Step Guide to Finding Your Invoices for FY23 Funding Requests

  1. Log into the E-rate Manager tool here
  2. Navigate to the Funding Requests page (471->Funding Requests

3. Create a new filter using the Last Allowable Invoice Date = ‘10/28/2024’

    1. Click on the Add Filter Button
    2. Look for Funding Request -> Last Allowable Invoice Date

    3. Set Condition to ‘equal to’

    4. Set the Value to ‘10/28/2024’, and Click Apply

4. Look at the Balance Amount column to see the amount remaining.

      1. Use the Customize Table option to add Balance Amount if it is not already visible

Alternatively, you can combine the Last Allowable Invoice Date filter along with a filter on the Balance Amount to locate requests with available dollars.

You can also use the Download button to export the results to CSV file that you can open with Microsoft Excel or other data tools.

Streamline Your E-rate Process with E-rate Manager

With just a few simple steps, E-rate Manager can help applicants fully utilize the funding that helps ensure that their students have the Internet access that they need. Want to learn more about E-rate Manager? Visit for more information.

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Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting and support services for the needs of E-rate program participants. We consult with applicants to help them understand, effectively utilize, and maintain compliance with E-rate rules and regulations. We help prepare and submit paperwork, and interact with program administrators on our clients’ behalf.

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